Category: trigger

the invincible

with the drumKAT, u.s.-american manufacturer kat inc. / alternate mode developed  the probably best and most complex percussive midi controller ever built. it is a dinosaur, but one that even today still knows how to impress. i wrote a little “secret tip electronics” on featuring my very own drumKAT, version 3.8  – unfortunately german language only.

electronic drumming 4.0

with sensory percussion, new york / los angeles based drumtech-company sunhouse have started a true revolution. their unseen sensor-technology  in combination with their software application enables the modern drummer to enter a whole new world with a sensory-percussionized acoustic kit – including all new and creative possibilities to manipulate sounds. i was lucky enough to get a four-sensor-complete-kit, which i recently introduced, explained and reviewed on in word, pic & video
(only in german language).